Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 2:28 pm
'Succes met je kippenhok' HAHAHAHA IK GA STRIKE
Katerzyna Kraków
Class 3
Aantal berichten : 373
Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 2:38 pm
Nou ik heb ze nog even een tweede kansje geven xD
Hungergamesdeel2 xD:
The Bloodbath:
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Aislin falls into a pit and dies. aaaawhh :c
Oliver rips a mace out of Taylor's hands. Aaauw :/
Raphael runs away from the Cornucopia.
Allison runs away from the Cornucopia.
Amadéo grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Lotus stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Nadya bashes Conor's head against a rock several times. Naaawhh, het is zo zielig hoe Conor telkens in dit deed al sterft :c
Katerzyna runs away from the Cornucopia.
Rhaegys and Valkyrie work together to drown Dario. Oooowhh badass Valkje en Rhae, maar arme Dario xd
Devon runs away from the Cornucopia.
Sullivan runs away from the Cornucopia.
Karlie runs away from the Cornucopia.
Christophe runs away from the Cornucopia.
Storm runs into the cornucopia and hides.
Delaney runs away from the Cornucopia.
Cas snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Dennimae runs away from the Cornucopia.
Elin and Lawrence work together to drown Nathanial. Blijkbaar een waterarena, iedereen word gewoon koelbloedig verdronken ;O
4 dood: Aislin, Conor, Dario en Nathanial
Christophe tends to Storm's wounds. Aaaawhh wat schattig xD
Elin constructs a shack.
Sullivan's trap kills Taylor. Taylor heeft ook altijd pech xd
Delaney and Karlie work together for the day.
Katerzyna makes a slingshot.
Devon searches for a water source.
Amadéo, Oliver, and Dennimae hunt for other tributes.
Raphael, Valkyrie, Lotus, Lawrence, and Nadya track down and kill Allison. Aaaaaawhh zo gemeen 5 tegen 1 xD Poor Allison :c
Cas discovers a river.
Rhaegys discovers a river.
2 doden; Taylor & Allison
Lotus tends to her wounds.
Delaney and Elin run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Oliver passes out from exhaustion. Aaawhh poor thing
Dennimae questions her sanity. aaaawhh haha xd
Amadéo and Cas talk about the tributes still alive.
Rhaegys quietly hums.
Sullivan and Storm sleep in shifts.
Devon destroys Christophe's supplies while he is asleep. That's not so nice Devon
Lawrence is unable to convince Karlie to not kill him. Aaaaaawhh :c Karlie is zo gemeen
Raphael defeats Valkyrie in a fight, but spares her life. Thank you Raphael c;
Katerzyna tries to sing herself to sleep. Poor baby :c
Nadya goes to sleep.
1 dood: Lawrence :c
Amadéo steals from Nadya while she isn't looking. rudee
Oliver constructs a shack.
Storm, Lotus, and Dennimae hunt for other tributes.
Devon searches for firewood.
Christophe bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Aaawhh poor thing (but it's revenge voor degene die hij in de vorige had vermoord haha!)
Cas explores the arena. Topper
Raphael scares Delaney off.
Elin constructs a shack. Topper
Rhaegys sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Katerzyna practices her archery. Topper
Valkyrie makes a slingshot.
Sullivan receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Karlie makes a wooden spear.
1 dood, Christophe
Delaney begs for Katerzyna to kill her. She refuses, keeping Delaney alive. Wat is Kat toch lief
Sullivan questions his sanity.
Devon receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Valkyrie and Rhaegys sleep in shifts.
Elin looks at the night sky.
Amadéo and Cas hold hands. Cuties
Oliver and Raphael hold hands. En nog meer cuties xd
Storm receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Karlie, Lotus, and Dennimae sleep in shifts.
Nadya tends to her wounds.
No kills
Lotus, Rhaegys, Sullivan, and Delaney track down and kill Cas. Aaawhh weer zo'n gemene actie :c
Elin and Katerzyna hunt for other tributes. Badass samenwerking hier
Oliver attacks Devon, but he manages to escape.
Storm is pricked by thorns while picking berries. Hahahahaha poor Storm xD
Valkyrie collects fruit from a tree.
Amadéo camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Karlie constructs a shack.
Dennimae kills Raphael with a sickle. En Denni word weer een killer
Nadya tries to spear fish with a trident.
2 dood: Cas & Raphael
Elin and Valkyrie talk about the tributes still alive.
Devon severely injures Sullivan and leaves him to die. En Devon gaat ook weer killen ;O
Lotus, Rhaegys, Karlie, and Amadéo sleep in shifts.
Dennimae and Storm work together to drown Nadya. WHAHAHAHAHA OMG dat is zo gemeen van ze, had ik niet van ze verwacht omg xd
Delaney poisons Oliver's drink. He drinks it and dies. Stiekeme killer Delaney
Katerzyna thinks about home. Aaaawhh poor thing
3 dood: Sullivan, Nadya & Oliver
Elin fishes.
Valkyrie, Devon, and Katerzyna hunt for other tributes. Badass enzo
Lotus and Amadéo work together for the day. Wat cute c;
Dennimae discovers a river.
Storm hunts for other tributes.
Rhaegys camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Delaney pushes Karlie off a cliff during a knife fight. Rudeeee xd
1 dood: Karlie
Devon climbs a tree to rest. Aaaaaaawhh loner xd
Storm, Katerzyna, Lotus, and Amadéo tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. Gewoon gezellig doen enzo, wat het is niet de hunger games ofzo
Elin, Delaney, Rhaegys, Dennimae, and Valkyrie sleep in shifts. Twee teams, en Devon is gewoon een Loner xD
No kills, gewoon een gezellige avond (op Devon na)
Elin accidently steps on a landmine. Uh-oh
Devon discovers a river. Topper
Katerzyna scares Rhaegys off. Ze is ook heel eng hoor
Amadéo hunts for other tributes.
Valkyrie sprains her ankle while running away from Storm. Nou Valkje! Wees een beetje voorzichtig aub Delaney tends to Lotus's wounds. Cuties c;
Dennimae searches for a water source.
1 dood: Elin &OMG Arena Event, ze worden high xDD
Iedereen is high:
The remaining tributes begin to hallucinate.
Delaney survives.
Devon survives.
Amadéo survives.
Katerzyna drowns Storm, who she thought was a shark trying to eat her. Hahahahahaha geweldig Kat xDD
Dennimae and Rhaegys decide to jump down the rabbit hole to Wonderland, which turns out to be a pit of rocks. Aaaaaawhh poor baby's :c deze is echt veel te zielig ;c
Valkyrie survives.
Lotus eats a scorpion, thinking it is a delicate dessert. Aaawhh poor thing :cc
4 dood: Storm, Dennimae, Rhaegys & Lotus
Valkyrie and Devon tell stories about themselves to each other. Gezellig enzo
Katerzyna receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Topper
Amadéo tends to his wounds. Aaawh ;c
Delaney tends to her wounds. Poor things
No kills
The Feast:
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Valkyrie decides not to go to The Feast.
Delaney decides not to go to The Feast.
Devon and Katerzyna decide to work together to get more supplies. Toppers!
Amadéo decides not to go to The Feast.
No kills
Delaney sprains her ankle while running away from Katerzyna. Aaawhh arm ding
Valkyrie constructs a shack.
Devon stalks Amadéo. Creepy hoor
No kills, just stalking
Katerzyna sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Valkyrie climbs a tree to rest. Slimmerds
Amadéo begs for Devon to kill him. He refuses, keeping Amadéo alive. Awwwh Amadéo :c
Delaney attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Haha awhh
No kills
Devon questions his sanity. Hahaha Devon xD
Katerzyna receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Nicee
Amadéo discovers a cave.
Delaney severely injures Valkyrie, but puts her out of her misery. Nouuuuww Valkje :c (mijn enige hoop is nu gevestigd op Kat)
1 dood: Valkje :c
Katerzyna goes to sleep.
Delaney receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Devon and Amadéo huddle for warmth. Ohhhhjeee wat doen die nou?
No kills
Delaney receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Topper
Katerzyna collects fruit from a tree. Topper
Amadéo kills Devon as he tries to run. Oke dat ging dus niet zo goed van de vorige avond xd
1 dood; Devon
Amadéo and Delaney tell stories about themselves to each other. Gezellug
Katerzyna thinks about home. Naaawhh
No kills
Amadéo defeats Delaney in a fight, but spares her life. Das wel aardig, zeker met nog maar 3 levend
Katerzyna dies trying to escape the arena. NOOO KAT YOU STUPID! :C
1 Dood; Katerzyna ;c
Delaney stabs Amadéo while his back is turned. Owwwhh Delaney you backstabber
Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 2:40 pm
Ik krijg nog medelijden met mijn chars :c Welke site gebruik je er btw voor?
Katerzyna Kraków
Class 3
Aantal berichten : 373
Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 2:43 pm
Ja ze gaan telkens vet snel dood :c poor babies & Ik gebruik deze site: klik Je kunt er ook afbeeldingen inzetten, wat ik ook doe, en dat ziet er dan ook super leuk uit :)
Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 2:48 pm
Ma hoe grappig
Conor is echt een faler... Weeral dood op dag 1!
En Devon is ja.. Ik begin aan hem te twijfelen Eerst lonely wezen in een boom terwijl iedereen fijn samen zit, daarna zijn geestelijke gezondheid in vraag stellen, en DAN SLAAPT IE MET AMADÉO
Katerzyna Kraków
Class 3
Aantal berichten : 373
Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 2:52 pm
Ik kan dit ook echt zovaak doen xDD Vind het veel te grappig , alleen het is wel veel werk als ik er een samenvatting wil maken, nu geeft die er ook een aan het eind maar dat is alleen met hoe iedereen dood gaat (en ik vind de tussenstukjes ook heel leuk )
Ja, Conor ging alweer dood op de eerste dag, arm ding xD En Devon was super weird xD
Ik ben ook weer teleurgesteld in mijn eigen chars, hoewel ze het toch ver hebben gebracht xD (WAAROM MOEST KAT DE ARENA UITRENNEN? VERDOMME ZE HAD KUNNEN WINNEN XD) Edit; Ook mooi hoe ze Storm vermoord omdat ze denkt dat hij een haai is xDD
Onderwerp: Re: Randomness talk zo nov 15, 2015 3:34 pm
@Janne&Jennifer Haha ik was dat van de Hungergames ook aan het doen, zijn alleen Conor, Devon en Storm nog over. Vond dit wel heel erg grappig haha : Devon and Storm work together to drown Conor. Bromance for ever
EDIT|| Storm ambushes Devon and kills him. Of toch niet hahaha xD