Onderwerp: Because I can't keep up zo apr 17, 2016 3:32 pm
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22 years - Unknown Unknown Hetero Sometimes in tragedy we find our life's purpose Theme
Oliver Marron // Crucio
Touch of pain & Defying gravity //
17 years - 18|07|2018 Canada - Toronto Hetero With great power comes great electricity bill Theme
Eloise Poundrick // Spark
Electricity manipulation //
20 years - 16|10|2015 United States - Arizona Hetero A mind wants to forget but a heart will always remember Theme
Devon Garnet // Ursus
Solid body & Shapeshifting //
20 years - 13|01|2015 Australia - Melbourne Hetero To secure peace is to prepare for war Theme
Sebastian Cosgrove // Fera
Animal emerging & Replication //
18 years - 27|01|2017 United Kingdom - Brighton Bisexual Love is my weapon, music is my religion Theme
Conor Falk // Mozart
Master of sound //
4 years - 16|12|2012 18years - 13|04|2030 USA - New York York Norway - Oksenøya Unknown Stand down and let me grow Theme
Topaz Albèga // Tobias
Radioactivity modification //
17 years - 26|12|2018 France - Paris Bisexual La vie en rose Theme
Torrance Sahores // Sens
Manipulation of the senses //
Laatst aangepast door Oliver Marron op ma apr 10, 2017 10:32 pm; in totaal 5 keer bewerkt
Onderwerp: Re: Because I can't keep up zo apr 17, 2016 5:45 pm
Mutation progress
Hieronder wordt de vooruitgang van Olivers mutations bijgehouden. Italic wil zeggen dat het nog niet 100% gecontroleerd gebeurd. Strike wil zeggen dat het nog niet voorgekomen is.
Touch of pain: × Aanrakingen zonder energie door te geven/in onschadelijke mate. × Aanrakingen waarbij anderen hun mutatie tijdelijk wordt versterkt. × Energie doorgeven zonder rechtstreekse aanraking. × Energie bundelen in een lichaamsdeel waardoor het oplicht. x × Energie laten overgaan in een wapen. Doet het oplichten en maakt het sterker.
Defying gravity: × Aantrekkingspunt van eigen zwaartekracht verleggen. × Anderen - bij aanraking - ook van aantrekkingspunt doen veranderen. × Telepatisch anderen laten veranderen van aantrekkingspunt. × Zwaartekracht uitschakelen en daardoor gewichtsloosheid bekomen (aka vliegen). × Enorme snelheden behalen door aantrekkingskracht te verleggen naar een bepaald punt. × Zwaartekracht manipuleren in een bepaalde ruimte.
Laatst aangepast door Oliver Marron op zo jul 24, 2016 4:09 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida vulputate interdum. Curabitur non diam suscipit, ultricies mauris a, interdum urna. Sed vel pharetra mi. Curabitur consectetur, mi sit amet facilisis tincidunt, ligula turpis ultricies est, id maximus nulla libero vel ligula. Nunc scelerisque elit id leo feugiat tempor. Phasellus consequat nisl a ex imperdiet scelerisque. Mauris vel erat nunc. Ut tellus nunc, interdum quis risus non, imperdiet interdum lectus. Donec placerat sagittis lorem at facilisis.
Etiam tincidunt eros elementum, convallis arcu fringilla, malesuada velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer congue luctus fermentum. Donec tempor pretium arcu ac rutrum. Suspendisse eu pharetra nulla. Praesent scelerisque malesuada tellus sed porta. Curabitur scelerisque mauris lorem, eget hendrerit felis finibus ut. Duis aliquam, velit nec consectetur egestas, dui sem ullamcorper quam, eget semper est ante eu est. Ut ut scelerisque eros. Nam nec porta ipsum, ac venenatis magna. Maecenas tristique scelerisque nunc, vel sagittis lectus pretium sit amet. Donec finibus arcu et ipsum ornare, in convallis est consectetur. Cras ac ultrices enim, vel tincidunt ligula. Sed ac rutrum sem. Proin sit amet lorem et enim cursus fringilla aliquam eget ipsum. Phasellus vel rhoncus felis.
Vivamus volutpat est ac mauris auctor, in bibendum est luctus. Ut nulla urna, tristique et maximus vitae, egestas ultrices purus. Mauris non tincidunt sem. Praesent viverra et sem at volutpat. Morbi augue ipsum, vehicula sed pharetra nec, aliquet aliquam dui. Aenean pharetra metus dapibus sagittis bibendum. Vestibulum ex leo, posuere sit amet diam eget, faucibus scelerisque sapien.
Quisque diam enim, tincidunt id imperdiet at, ullamcorper ut augue. Maecenas in elit quis ex interdum bibendum vel sodales metus. Cras condimentum, turpis id euismod tempor, lorem arcu laoreet arcu, in dapibus dui felis a nulla. Vestibulum convallis lobortis nunc quis lacinia. Nulla eget nulla faucibus, elementum tortor at, sodales arcu. Mauris pretium diam nulla, in pulvinar tellus viverra et. Fusce lectus nunc, placerat nec pretium sit amet, sagittis quis orci. Sed ultrices magna sit amet est elementum aliquam. Curabitur vulputate varius nulla sed aliquet. Donec at ex odio. Suspendisse pharetra eleifend iaculis. Duis rutrum, turpis id tempor rhoncus, leo dolor porta sapien, sit amet elementum sapien quam molestie lacus. Aenean purus tortor, ultricies eget pretium sed, luctus vel metus. Pellentesque dictum, nibh sed placerat lacinia, eros libero rutrum nibh, et gravida justo ligula dapibus arcu. Praesent ornare convallis purus. Nulla egestas ultrices augue posuere tincidunt.
Ut varius diam eget lorem congue, sed consequat ex viverra. Sed sollicitudin, felis nec rutrum tristique, dui dui pulvinar erat, quis elementum lacus velit ultrices risus. Fusce et libero efficitur, euismod sem sagittis, ultricies tortor. Integer et finibus tortor, gravida placerat orci. Donec posuere suscipit condimentum. Sed elit lorem, feugiat et ligula ac, sollicitudin dapibus neque. Duis viverra ipsum vel nisi dapibus, non feugiat odio commodo. Integer fermentum odio id arcu fermentum, vitae facilisis sem fringilla. Sed efficitur lacus nisl, vel pulvinar justo lobortis vitae. Proin eu scelerisque lorem. Aliquam fringilla nulla lorem, dignissim fringilla massa congue vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida vulputate interdum. Curabitur non diam suscipit, ultricies mauris a, interdum urna. Sed vel pharetra mi. Curabitur consectetur, mi sit amet facilisis tincidunt, ligula turpis ultricies est, id maximus nulla libero vel ligula. Nunc scelerisque elit id leo feugiat tempor. Phasellus consequat nisl a ex imperdiet scelerisque. Mauris vel erat nunc. Ut tellus nunc, interdum quis risus non, imperdiet interdum lectus. Donec placerat sagittis lorem at facilisis.
Etiam tincidunt eros elementum, convallis arcu fringilla, malesuada velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer congue luctus fermentum. Donec tempor pretium arcu ac rutrum. Suspendisse eu pharetra nulla. Praesent scelerisque malesuada tellus sed porta. Curabitur scelerisque mauris lorem, eget hendrerit felis finibus ut. Duis aliquam, velit nec consectetur egestas, dui sem ullamcorper quam, eget semper est ante eu est. Ut ut scelerisque eros. Nam nec porta ipsum, ac venenatis magna. Maecenas tristique scelerisque nunc, vel sagittis lectus pretium sit amet. Donec finibus arcu et ipsum ornare, in convallis est consectetur. Cras ac ultrices enim, vel tincidunt ligula. Sed ac rutrum sem. Proin sit amet lorem et enim cursus fringilla aliquam eget ipsum. Phasellus vel rhoncus felis.
Vivamus volutpat est ac mauris auctor, in bibendum est luctus. Ut nulla urna, tristique et maximus vitae, egestas ultrices purus. Mauris non tincidunt sem. Praesent viverra et sem at volutpat. Morbi augue ipsum, vehicula sed pharetra nec, aliquet aliquam dui. Aenean pharetra metus dapibus sagittis bibendum. Vestibulum ex leo, posuere sit amet diam eget, faucibus scelerisque sapien.
Quisque diam enim, tincidunt id imperdiet at, ullamcorper ut augue. Maecenas in elit quis ex interdum bibendum vel sodales metus. Cras condimentum, turpis id euismod tempor, lorem arcu laoreet arcu, in dapibus dui felis a nulla. Vestibulum convallis lobortis nunc quis lacinia. Nulla eget nulla faucibus, elementum tortor at, sodales arcu. Mauris pretium diam nulla, in pulvinar tellus viverra et. Fusce lectus nunc, placerat nec pretium sit amet, sagittis quis orci. Sed ultrices magna sit amet est elementum aliquam. Curabitur vulputate varius nulla sed aliquet. Donec at ex odio. Suspendisse pharetra eleifend iaculis. Duis rutrum, turpis id tempor rhoncus, leo dolor porta sapien, sit amet elementum sapien quam molestie lacus. Aenean purus tortor, ultricies eget pretium sed, luctus vel metus. Pellentesque dictum, nibh sed placerat lacinia, eros libero rutrum nibh, et gravida justo ligula dapibus arcu. Praesent ornare convallis purus. Nulla egestas ultrices augue posuere tincidunt.
Ut varius diam eget lorem congue, sed consequat ex viverra. Sed sollicitudin, felis nec rutrum tristique, dui dui pulvinar erat, quis elementum lacus velit ultrices risus. Fusce et libero efficitur, euismod sem sagittis, ultricies tortor. Integer et finibus tortor, gravida placerat orci. Donec posuere suscipit condimentum. Sed elit lorem, feugiat et ligula ac, sollicitudin dapibus neque. Duis viverra ipsum vel nisi dapibus, non feugiat odio commodo. Integer fermentum odio id arcu fermentum, vitae facilisis sem fringilla. Sed efficitur lacus nisl, vel pulvinar justo lobortis vitae. Proin eu scelerisque lorem. Aliquam fringilla nulla lorem, dignissim fringilla massa congue vel. <br> <div style="width: 462px; margin-left: -3px; margin-top: -2px; height: 1px; background-color: #111;"></center></div></div>
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Monday 4 April
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida vulputate interdum. Curabitur non diam suscipit, ultricies mauris a, interdum urna. Sed vel pharetra mi. Curabitur consectetur, mi sit amet facilisis tincidunt, ligula turpis ultricies est, id maximus nulla libero vel ligula. Nunc scelerisque elit id leo feugiat tempor.
Onderwerp: Re: Because I can't keep up ma apr 18, 2016 5:10 pm
Thanks V ♥
Get to know Oliver:
Part 1: The Basics 1.What is your full name? My full name is Oliver Marron.
2.Where and when were you born? I don’t know where I was officialy born. I was found by Rosalie in the Superior National Forest when I was still a baby.
3.Who are/were your parents? Just like I don’t know where I was born, I don’t know who my parents are. Rosalie raised me as her own child, but now I’m older I realise it maybe wasn’t the right way.
4.Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? None.
5.Where do you live now, and with whom? Right now my home is at Genosha Island, a school for the gifted. There are alot of other students who are capable to do superior things, just like me. But I can’t tell alot about them because I don’t know much about the way things go around here.
6.What is your occupation? Officially my occupation here is student. But because I’m here for such a long time, and because of my problems, I don’t need to go to lessons anymore. What doesn’t mean that I don’t study anymore. I read alot of books and try to train my abilities. All that because of Allison who picked me up when I was on my lowest point in life.
7.Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks. People often see me as a frightning individual. I’m pale because I hardly come outside. I'm middling musculared and it seems like the only facial expression I know is the one where my eyebrows are frowned. My eyes are clear blue and the way I look is often conceived as intimidating. That also reinforced by my sharply marked cheeckbones and jawline. My hair is very dark brow, almost black. I’m 1.77 meters tall and my weight at this point is approximately 70kg. Almost 5kg more than last year. My clothes.. I don’t have much to tell about them because it are only a few, old shirts, sweaters and pants. Most of them have ragged sleeves because I’m almost constantly picking them because of my nervosity. You can find small scars all over my body. The ones on my back are the worst, but just like the rest they’re slowly fading away.
8.To which social class do you belong? I don’t know where to place myself, but definately not amongst the popular kids. I’m one of the oldest students here in school, yet almost no one knows anything about me. You can say my room is a bit in the outskirts because all the students who arrived around the same time as me are all gone and the new students pick the new rooms instead of the old ones. Not that I complain, I like the calmth. There are some who called me a freak or an outstander, but that’s okay I guess..
9.Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? Not that I know about. Unless I can call my mutation a disease instead of a gift?
10. Are you right- or left-handed? Left-handed.
11. What does your voice sound like? Often deep, dark and raspy, depends on my mood.
12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? I don’t know if I got any words I use very frequently. Generally I don’t talk much, and when I need to talk, I often don’t know what to say or express myself in a wrong way.
13. What do you have in your pockets? Just the key of my room, nothing more, nothing less.
14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? Most of the times my head is directed downwards. I pick alot on the sleeves of my sweaters and find it hard to keep eyecontact with people I’m not comfortable with. My arms are regular crossed over my chest because I feel safer that way.
Part 2: Growing Up 15. How would you describe your childhood in general? I have to say my childhood wasn’t the most pleasant time of my life. Nor is today. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
16. What is your earliest memory? That’s a hard one. I don’t really know for sure because I find it hard to seperate early memories with the nightmares I still have today.
17. How much schooling have you had? Kindergarten wasn’t obligated in Minnesota, so Rosalie let me skip that one. I went to primary education for one week. Four days it went good, I kept distance just like Rosalie told me, and the teacher kept distance of me because Rosalie told her I needed that because of my ‘autism’. All lies. Day five I got into a fight on the playground and hurt one of my classmates really bad because he tried to punch me and my mutation protected me. He was lucky Rosalie drained me that morning, because otherwise my energy could’ve killed him. After that I was home schooled until I was 18 years old.
18. Did you enjoy school? I remember I enjoyed those 4 days. It was the only time I was allowed outside the house. But that didn’t last long.
19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? Most of them just from observing the children playing on the streets near our house. The television also taught me alot.
20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. Not really. The only persons I had contact with were Rosalie and her partner Gregory. Although I don’t really think he was a great role model.
21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? The relationship we had was quite shallow. Rosalie cared for me and ensured all my basic needs were fullfilled, but that was it. Gregory had been appointed to homeschool me, but that also wasn’t how it was suppose to be. The moments he was in our home, he only spent a hour with me and the rest of the time he spent with Rosalie in the office room, talking about stuff my ears weren’t allow to hear.
22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Again a hard question. I didn’t really had role figures to compar myself with. Most of my spare time I spent watching television and reading books. Mostly documentaires about big topics, like nature, buildings, investigations, but my preferences went to the documantairies about the universe. Maybe it’s because of my mutation, maybe because of the fact that there’s so much we don’t know about it. I don’t know.. But as much as it interests me, it also scares me to death. I could get lost in there, literally.
23. As a child, what were your favorite activities? I don’t really know, didn’t had a strong preference for one I guess.
24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? I was a very closed kid, just as I am now. Living in my own world, alone with my problems and the things I’ve been through. I was able to keep myself company, kinda learned how to live without people around me. Rosalie was a hard working woman, not really a mother-figure.
25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? I was definately not populair at primary school. I was an interestering figure, that can I say. But more the ‘freak’ than the ‘popular’ kid. The few days I went to school I didn’t really spoke with my classmates because Rosalie forbid me. But when someone kept kicking a ball against my head on the playground, something in me snapped and.. I alrealy told what happened next. If I had friends? Hmm, I don’t think so.
26. When and with whom was your first kiss? My first kiss was with Allison Argent, it was in the greenhouses on Genosha. I found her there mourning because of her mother who died a few years ago. We talked, or at least I tried to comfort her. And after that, she kissed me. It’s a moment I’ll never forget, and when I think about it my heart skips a beat and a warm feeling crawls over my body.
27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? I am a virgin.
28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. I’m born as a mutant. My mutations are that I can defy gravity and that I got an unlimited source of energy inside of me. Dangerous energy wich makes me feel pain all the time because the amount is..too much. My body is adapted to it, so it can contain all that energy, but when it’s too much I get mad of the pain that comes with it. When I touch somebody’s skin my energy floats over in that persons body, and because they aren’t adapted to the amount of energy, it’s very dangerous. Most of the time the person faints immediately, but sometimes it’s even life threathening. The only persons I met who can safely touch me are Rosalie and Allison.
Part 3: Past Influences 29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Definately meeting Allison. From the moment I met her, my life went for the first time uphill instead of downhill.
30. Who has had the most influence on you? Again, Allison. She’s the only one I trust, the one I have fait in. She’s the reason I keep holding on, the reason why I’m still here. In only a few weeks time she threw my world upside down in an unspeakably good way. Showed me that there’s so much more in life then just me and my pain in between the four walls of my room. I’ve got a long road ahead, but with her by my side I don’t even care how long that road is.
31. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Every step forward I’ve taken since I met her. Being able to control my mutations instead that they control me. But not only my mutations, also being able to freely talk and express my true emotions.
32. What is your greatest regret? That one day I ran away from home and lost control over my gravity mutation because it was one of the first time in months I came outside in the open air. It was quite painfull.
33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? It’s a thing I only vague remember. But a day when Rosalie wasn’t home, I opened the door to the garage -a room she forbid me to go- because it was the place where Dodge, (Rosalies dog) sat when it was raining outside. Both the dog and I were enthousiast to have a playmate because we were both lonely, so I stepped into the garage to play with him. I was able to pet him because his fur didn’t absorb my energy. As long as I didn’t touch his nose or footpads it was safe. But at some point he jumped up against me and licked my face, so it was kind of skin on skin and by that move I killed him by accident.
34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind? No I don’t.
35. When was the time you were the most frightened? During my accident in the trainingsroom. I was so badly injured that I tought for a moment that I would die. And it scared me as hell, even though I didn’t had a real reason to live at that point in my life.
36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? One time in the cafetaria I was going to get myself some food. I went just before the moment the bell was supposed to ring, so there wouldn’t be much students out there. But because of some reason the bell rang 5 minutes earlier and the students who came out of their classes rushed in to the cafetaria. I was so scared that I would touch somebody by accident, or someone would touch me, so I panicked, dropped my plate with food in the middle of the room and ran away.
37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? Difficult one. A year ago I would’ve said: bein born, but right now.. I wouldn’t change a thing. I would probably go through everything again, if that ment I would meet Allison again.
38. What is your best memory? The moment I put my hand in Allisons and didn’t hurt her.
39. What is your worst memory? My past.
Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions 40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? I’m a pessimist. But Allison is helping me with that.
41. What is your greatest fear? Losing her, cause that would mean I’d lose everything I have left.
42. What are your religious views? I’m not raised with a religion so I wouldn’t know in what to believe.
43. What are your political views? Unspoken.
44. What are your views on sex? I think I know to little about that to have a true judgement. But I guess it’s something natural.
45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? Yes I’m able to kill, even if I don’t want to. And I don’t know if I find it acceptable, it frightens me to think about that.
46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Abandon someone you’re responsable for. And by abandoning I mean in multiple ways: Leave them but also lying and cheating…
47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? Yes, incredably, but I do.
48. What do you believe makes a successful life? Being able to know yourself inside out and control yourself.
49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? My feelings and thoughts are mine. Atleast they were until a few months ago. Now Allison can know them too.
50. Do you have any biases or prejudices? Not really, I’m more scared people have them about me.
51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? To touch someone when I’m not in control. Why not? Because I could easely kill that person, and I’d feel good about it on that at that point because It would take away my pain for a moment. And you can’t possibly imagine what a relieve that is.
52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? I’d die for Allison, if that meant I’d keep her safe.
Part 5: Relationships With Others 53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? I alway keep my safe distance. I’m polite, in a shallow way but won’t let anyone get to close. It takes time and a certain personality to gain my trust. Trust me, if you get too close, I’ll hurt you, even if I don’t want to.
54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Yet again, Allison. She’s also kind of the only person in my life. And I can’t explain why, because if I would do that, I would have to write a book. Or maybe a trilogy.
55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? Same as above.
56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. I don’t really have any friends. Yet, I hope.
57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. Allison Argent. From the moment on she walked in my life, I knew she’d be the one who would change it. She is fierce and strong, but also caring and determined. She has a certain vision about things, very apart from others, apart from me. Actually she’s everything I am not, and vice versa. There’s no way I can describe her in only a few words, because yet again I’d need a book to do that. She’s –how typical it may seem- my one and only, and honestly, I wouldn't want to live without her. I wouldn't be able to.
58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. I am in love, and I don't really know what happened. But it did, and that's all I need to know. Need to feel.
59. What do you look for in a potential lover? I have never been looking for a lover, yet again: It happened.
60. How close are you to your family? All bands are broken since Rosalie dropped me of at Genosha Island. But even before that we weren't really close, it was a really superficial relationship.
61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? No I haven't. And I don't think I want one either. One with children I mean. How would I know to take care of them if I never got a proper education myself? First of all I need to take care of myself.
62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? I'm not a person who asks for help. Even when I get offered help it's a big step I have to take to accept it. It's always been me and my problems, and that's something I won't unlearn real quick.
63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? If I had to choose one person to protect me, it would be Allison. She's the only one I trust with my life.
64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you? No one except Allison I guess. But she's strong, she would conquer that. Just like she vanquiched every problem that came across her road.
65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why? Rosalie Guiditch. She's the one who let me down the most, who took profit of me. Cared for me in exchange she could use my mutations freely. And when the time was there, she abandoned me like I was a piece of garbage and never looked over her shoulder again. My mutations, the energy inside me hurts me so bad. But I'd rather feel that pain my entire life than that I would ever meet her again and that her touch would ease my pain and let her gain power.
66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I always try to avoid conflict. And I succeed, because most of the time I'm in my room and the only moments I come out are the ones when it's calm in the hallways. I'm more a flight than a fight kind of person. That because I know the mess I can make when I get in a conflict.
67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? No, never. And it will take alot of time, practice and experience to make me take the lead. I just don't see myself as a leader. And imagine if I were one, I wouldn't know who would want to follow and trust me.
68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? No, large groups terrify me. You will never, ever find me in a large group of people. Even not when I have my mutation under control. I'm a person who needs the calmth. Fuss makes me nervous, and when I'm nervous I do unpredictable things.
69. Do you care what others think of you? Actually I do. Just like -almost everyone I guess- I want people to like me. See me as an equal and not as a freak or an outstander. Biasses are a strange thing. But I have to admit I make it hard for them. I guess that's just te way I am.
Part 6: Likes And Dislikes 70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? Reading. Reading and listening to music. It makes me feel like I'm not here for a moment, makes me feel like I'm some kind of other world and helps me to ease my pain by distracting my thoughts. But I also like to train my muscles, with the weights in my room. A strong body compensates for a weak mind. Or that's what I say to myself.
71. What is your most treasured possession? The key to my room. It's always in my pocket, and I feel safe when I feel it sitting there. Shortly Allison has one to, and in a strange way it feels like some kind of relieve. Knowing that she had acces to the place where I can be myself, where I don't have to hide for what I am. Giving it to here was one of the biggest steps I took, but also one of the few I'm proud of.
72. What is your favorite color? Dark colors. Black, grey, dark blue. But also khaki and brown. Mostly earth tints, colors that don't stand out. They represent my mind in some sort of way.
73. What is your favorite food? I don't really have a favorite food, but Italian dishes are always good.
74. What, if anything, do you like to read? My favorite series of books are definately those from Harry Potter. And if I have to choose one of them, it would be The Goblet of Fire. My alias is also has been derived from these books.
75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)? Music I guess. It's one of the few things I can find peace in.
76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? I was kind of an alcohol addict. There was a period before Allison where even books and music couldn't take my mind of the pain in my entire body. So I tried to get myself numb, put myself out for a while so I wouldn't have to deal with the world around me. I never harmed anyone with it, it was pure for myself. But it was only getting worse, I put myself on a negative spiral, and just when I was about to crash, I met Allison. I don't know if it counts, but right now she is my drug.
77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? In a chair in front of my window, watching the sky, the stars, the moon. And all that with earplugs in my ears and a calm song. As an attempt to shut out the sounds in the hallways from partying students.
78. What makes you laugh? Laughing like about something funny? Hmm I don't know actually. I even cannot remember the last time I really laughed out loud. All I know is that Allison is one of the few who can make me smile.
79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you? Reckless people.
80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? The main reason for my insomnia would be my pain. In the past I would grab a bottle of booze, and drink myself near an intoxication. But lately I try to think about moments where I acchieved something good. Progress in my mutation for example. But also looking at my ceiling and trying to depicture Allisons face makes it all better. Writing things down on a piece of paper also helps me to relieve my pain.
81. How do you deal with stress? The same as above to be honest.
82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? I'm not spontaneous. I need someone who takes te lead, guides me where I have to go. If something unexpected happenes I easely get anxious.
83. What are your pet peeves? People who are not commited to others, only think about themselves.
Laatst aangepast door Oliver Marron op zo jul 24, 2016 4:13 pm; in totaal 12 keer bewerkt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida vulputate interdum. Curabitur non diam suscipit, ultricies mauris a, interdum urna. Sed vel pharetra mi. Curabitur consectetur, mi sit amet facilisis tincidunt, ligula turpis ultricies est, id maximus nulla libero vel ligula. Nunc scelerisque elit id leo feugiat tempor. Phasellus consequat nisl a ex imperdiet scelerisque. Mauris vel erat nunc. Ut tellus nunc, interdum quis risus non, imperdiet interdum lectus. Donec placerat sagittis lorem at facilisis.
Etiam tincidunt eros elementum, convallis arcu fringilla, malesuada velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer congue luctus fermentum. Donec tempor pretium arcu ac rutrum. Suspendisse eu pharetra nulla. Praesent scelerisque malesuada tellus sed porta. Curabitur scelerisque mauris lorem, eget hendrerit felis finibus ut. Duis aliquam, velit nec consectetur egestas, dui sem ullamcorper quam, eget semper est ante eu est. Ut ut scelerisque eros. Nam nec porta ipsum, ac venenatis magna. Maecenas tristique scelerisque nunc, vel sagittis lectus pretium sit amet. Donec finibus arcu et ipsum ornare, in convallis est consectetur. Cras ac ultrices enim, vel tincidunt ligula. Sed ac rutrum sem. Proin sit amet lorem et enim cursus fringilla aliquam eget ipsum. Phasellus vel rhoncus felis.
Vivamus volutpat est ac mauris auctor, in bibendum est luctus. Ut nulla urna, tristique et maximus vitae, egestas ultrices purus. Mauris non tincidunt sem. Praesent viverra et sem at volutpat. Morbi augue ipsum, vehicula sed pharetra nec, aliquet aliquam dui. Aenean pharetra metus dapibus sagittis bibendum. Vestibulum ex leo, posuere sit amet diam eget, faucibus scelerisque sapien.
Quisque diam enim, tincidunt id imperdiet at, ullamcorper ut augue. Maecenas in elit quis ex interdum bibendum vel sodales metus. Cras condimentum, turpis id euismod tempor, lorem arcu laoreet arcu, in dapibus dui felis a nulla. Vestibulum convallis lobortis nunc quis lacinia. Nulla eget nulla faucibus, elementum tortor at, sodales arcu. Mauris pretium diam nulla, in pulvinar tellus viverra et. Fusce lectus nunc, placerat nec pretium sit amet, sagittis quis orci. Sed ultrices magna sit amet est elementum aliquam. Curabitur vulputate varius nulla sed aliquet. Donec at ex odio. Suspendisse pharetra eleifend iaculis. Duis rutrum, turpis id tempor rhoncus, leo dolor porta sapien, sit amet elementum sapien quam molestie lacus. Aenean purus tortor, ultricies eget pretium sed, luctus vel metus. Pellentesque dictum, nibh sed placerat lacinia, eros libero rutrum nibh, et gravida justo ligula dapibus arcu. Praesent ornare convallis purus. Nulla egestas ultrices augue posuere tincidunt.
Ut varius diam eget lorem congue, sed consequat ex viverra. Sed sollicitudin, felis nec rutrum tristique, dui dui pulvinar erat, quis elementum lacus velit ultrices risus. Fusce et libero efficitur, euismod sem sagittis, ultricies tortor. Integer et finibus tortor, gravida placerat orci. Donec posuere suscipit condimentum. Sed elit lorem, feugiat et ligula ac, sollicitudin dapibus neque. Duis viverra ipsum vel nisi dapibus, non feugiat odio commodo. Integer fermentum odio id arcu fermentum, vitae facilisis sem fringilla. Sed efficitur lacus nisl, vel pulvinar justo lobortis vitae. Proin eu scelerisque lorem. Aliquam fringilla nulla lorem, dignissim fringilla massa congue vel.
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Etiam tincidunt eros elementum, convallis arcu fringilla, malesuada velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer congue luctus fermentum. Donec tempor pretium arcu ac rutrum. Suspendisse eu pharetra nulla. Praesent scelerisque malesuada tellus sed porta. Curabitur scelerisque mauris lorem, eget hendrerit felis finibus ut. Duis aliquam, velit nec consectetur egestas, dui sem ullamcorper quam, eget semper est ante eu est. Ut ut scelerisque eros. Nam nec porta ipsum, ac venenatis magna. Maecenas tristique scelerisque nunc, vel sagittis lectus pretium sit amet. Donec finibus arcu et ipsum ornare, in convallis est consectetur. Cras ac ultrices enim, vel tincidunt ligula. Sed ac rutrum sem. Proin sit amet lorem et enim cursus fringilla aliquam eget ipsum. Phasellus vel rhoncus felis.
Vivamus volutpat est ac mauris auctor, in bibendum est luctus. Ut nulla urna, tristique et maximus vitae, egestas ultrices purus. Mauris non tincidunt sem. Praesent viverra et sem at volutpat. Morbi augue ipsum, vehicula sed pharetra nec, aliquet aliquam dui. Aenean pharetra metus dapibus sagittis bibendum. Vestibulum ex leo, posuere sit amet diam eget, faucibus scelerisque sapien.
Quisque diam enim, tincidunt id imperdiet at, ullamcorper ut augue. Maecenas in elit quis ex interdum bibendum vel sodales metus. Cras condimentum, turpis id euismod tempor, lorem arcu laoreet arcu, in dapibus dui felis a nulla. Vestibulum convallis lobortis nunc quis lacinia. Nulla eget nulla faucibus, elementum tortor at, sodales arcu. Mauris pretium diam nulla, in pulvinar tellus viverra et. Fusce lectus nunc, placerat nec pretium sit amet, sagittis quis orci. Sed ultrices magna sit amet est elementum aliquam. Curabitur vulputate varius nulla sed aliquet. Donec at ex odio. Suspendisse pharetra eleifend iaculis. Duis rutrum, turpis id tempor rhoncus, leo dolor porta sapien, sit amet elementum sapien quam molestie lacus. Aenean purus tortor, ultricies eget pretium sed, luctus vel metus. Pellentesque dictum, nibh sed placerat lacinia, eros libero rutrum nibh, et gravida justo ligula dapibus arcu. Praesent ornare convallis purus. Nulla egestas ultrices augue posuere tincidunt.
Ut varius diam eget lorem congue, sed consequat ex viverra. Sed sollicitudin, felis nec rutrum tristique, dui dui pulvinar erat, quis elementum lacus velit ultrices risus. Fusce et libero efficitur, euismod sem sagittis, ultricies tortor. Integer et finibus tortor, gravida placerat orci. Donec posuere suscipit condimentum. Sed elit lorem, feugiat et ligula ac, sollicitudin dapibus neque. Duis viverra ipsum vel nisi dapibus, non feugiat odio commodo. Integer fermentum odio id arcu fermentum, vitae facilisis sem fringilla. Sed efficitur lacus nisl, vel pulvinar justo lobortis vitae. Proin eu scelerisque lorem. Aliquam fringilla nulla lorem, dignissim fringilla massa congue vel. </div><div class=land>Marshall</div><center><a href="http://athousandfireflies.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=9">♥</a></center></center>
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida vulputate interdum. Curabitur non diam suscipit, ultricies mauris a, interdum urna. Sed vel pharetra mi. Curabitur consectetur, mi sit amet facilisis tincidunt, ligula turpis ultricies est, id maximus nulla libero vel ligula. Nunc scelerisque elit id leo feugiat tempor.